Posts tagged ‘randall ritmo’

February 16th, 2011

Randall Ritmo!

Chicas, agarraos: Randall Ritmo está en la ciudad. La estrella de la radio ha venido para presentar un evento y he tenido la suerte de que acudiera a mi estudio para una fugaz sesión de fotos. Su reputación no es más que una sombra de la realidad, os lo garantizo. Yo diría incluso que es demasiado auténtico para esta época. Ya no quedan personajes así: un tifón de energía sexual absolutamente destructivo.



Woman, brace yourself: Randall Ritmo is in town. The radio star has arrived to introduce an event, and by chance I had the opportunity to have him at my studio for a quick photo shoot. Believe me, his reputation is nothing but a shadow of reality. I would dare say he is too real for this era. There are not many characters like this one left: an absolutely destructive typhoon of sexual energy.